Saturday, October 29, 2011

my nephew

Hi Guys --yesterday I was in the city with Rhonda while she gave a course at the teachers work shop --I made arrangements to meet my nephew for breakfast around 10 am in Halifax --- he is from Antigonish and is 22 and is in the city getting radiation treatment on a tumor in his head --he also has  NF2 ... as does his 24 year old brother -  Andrew also has the tumors on his spine and his legs --- he is a great guy -- he was very interested in my CI as u can imagine . He has a colledge degree but he told me he plants trees all summer for a living as he loves the outside so much I said did u ever hear of "geocaching" ... No he says so after breakfast out we go -- found first one then 2nd one was mia but from the logs we saw exactly what had happened --then on way home I showed him a cache that he walked by every morning ---- when he got out of the car he was soooooo excited .. said headed right in to register on geo com --- he said wait till i show Kevin --his brother and his dad ... he thanked me not for info on CI or breakfast but for telling him and showing him geo caching ----- thing I added a new cacher to NS ---
have a great weekend -- chris  

Thursday, October 20, 2011

This week

Well it has been a while since I posted a blog --- that is not a good thing when toooo busy to go caching LOL !!
Woke up Monday am to rain a dentist appointment at 11 am and 12 new caches published close to home ---
DELI MA !!!! hahahhahahhah
Sent Rick 7 Ken a note saying I had afternoon free and rain suppose to stop and lets go caching .... Unfortunatly Ken was tied up but Rick was free -- we got away around 1 30 pm -- dentist was slow .....
First 2 caches easy FTF !!!!!then a snag  on next one -- could not find it -- dam I was standing right where it should be but could not find it -- remember this statement for wednesday trip hahhahahhah
then onto service road caches but a bridge cache along the way that we had not done --trolls did not get us so on we go -- be dammed if next cache  was not another DNF --- wtf .... I was not happy ... next  1 Great FTF ..
next one -- 2nd to find ??? where did this cacher come from --it is middle of series ?? next 2nd to find .. next 2nd another DNF ......coming out on road along comes cacher -- GWT Peter ... think that is right -- one cache left at end of road --he went there but did not have coords --- off we go together --- very tough climb down but we all go ... WE COULD NOT FIND THAT LITTLE SUCKER ----
back on road  Peter tells us he did find one of the ones we could not get --he said very well camoed --- he could not find one we found so we told him where ---- home now with 9 out 13 but 4 DNF ..... only 1/2 happy .............
Tuesday at hospital and one more cache is published on the service road --- checked Tuesday night and that Peter found all the caches so I mailed Rick and said tomorrow I am going back for the DNF --all but the last one --I am not crawling down that bank again ,,,,,Rick said --"I will be ready" LOL ......
Left at 9 and stopped at out first  DNF --- quick look where we thought then I went back to original spot --- thought for a minute -- moved the one rick I had moved on Monday then I moved the 2nd rock and Yahooo there it was---- how stupid of me ..... the next 2  DNF we walked right up to --grabbed the new cache that was there  and home cutting lawns by 11 am .... Monday I did beat the 1800 mark --
Tomorrow I am going with my sister to B water for a medical test and have a few quick P&G I hope to get --
Looking forward to the bike ride next week .... talk alter Chris

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Amoung Cachers

I think i mentioned that i was invited to do the cache Just Amoung Cachers with Hirtle & Ieatcrayons. My part of the cache was in the Rossignol District. i decided to do it while staying at Keji last week. I drove to the gate on the road and then biked in the rest of the way. I know it's not possible but it seemed like it was uphill on the way in and on the way out. LOL.
Nice area to explore but i quickly found out that Hirtle had given me wrong co-rds. Luckily there was cell service so i could text Blackrattle who had previously found the cache. So off i went with corrected co-rds only to discover the log the cache was hidden in had been torn apart, probably by a bear. I took pics and emailed them to Blackrattle and he confirmed i had the right location and he also gave me the W co-rds that i was seeking at the time. We sent all the info including pics to the CO and we were given permission to log the find.
Quite an experience, but fun.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Bridgewater Caching

Rick and I had a good day in Bridgewater yesterday.

When we left New Minas at 8:00 AM it was raining a pretty good clip, but I had checked the weather radar and it looked promising.  By the time we got to Bridgewater and sat down for breakfast the sun was shining, although it stayed pretty windy all day long.

We had a possible list of 32, one of which I had done.  By the end of the day I had 11 finds and Rick had 12.  Not a big day, but it's not about the numbers!  We had fun, saw some great caches and memorable views.

Two memorable caches:
GC31Z5K - King's Labrinth - An excellent hide, really well done.  Added to my favourites.
GC1YA6F - You-Knee-Ke #5 - Really tricky.  Had to use a lifeline (thanks, Brian).  Even when I knew where and what it was I had to circle several times before spotting it.  It may be easier at a time of day when the sun angle is different, and we showed GZ as up at the edge of the upper parking lot, but enjoyed the hunt! 

A really good day!  But we missed Brian and Chris! 


Friday, September 16, 2011

Fryday !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fryday of a very good week .... Monday was my sons birthday and wednesday was my sisters --Monday she was off so I went to city and took her a present and then we headed out together for son John's place to drop off a gift ---- but first we grabbed a new cache at the old St Pats high school where we both went --that was cool --- then down to Porters lake and we grabbed a few caches in the park down there ---- so that a good fun day sister just loves caching .... then on wednesday after food bank took off to keji to stay at brians trailor --my first visit and I was so impressed and loved the place --- did the 5 caches in the park to earn a metal and also the caches are spread out so great chance to see different parts of park ,,,, I cannot wait to go back ... now on Sunday if weather ok Mac Nabs island which I have not been on in 45 years ---- that seems funny to say that ---- great week ......................... Have a great weekend guys --- Chris

Friday, September 9, 2011

Good Old Spurr Road

Some of the guys got back to Spurr Road yesterday. (Missed you Brian - you were often spoken of and even more often thought of!) I came away with 48 finds, a new personal day`s best, which brings me up to 1696 finds. Not too dusty!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Finally 1700

Well had that one with Rick then yesterday thanks to a text a Friend brian I got one in Bridgewater and today had my grand son all day and did manage to grab 3 in Point Pleasant park before he got too tired --  That gave me 1700 ----then he conned me to drive to Bedford to chicken burger for lunch .. fun day but I am tired -- we were together for 8 hours --we did go see my audiologist and she did change the rusty magnet but said most is the heat and band aids I have to use ---- at least I know ---- have a good long weekend -- we have company coming and they like to party so a few days of good CHEER ..... later guys